Having underestimated just how much of France they would be crossing to get there, yet buoyed with meal vouchers and French service stations, the group were all very glad to see their campsite and lost no time jumping in the river to freshen up. They were also spoilt by stunning limestone scenery for which the Ardèche is famous.
After a hearty dinner and a good night’s sleep, they woke the next day to set off on a two-day kayaking descent of the Dent Noire river. Loaded with water-tight barrels, each pair steered their own course, negotiating rapids, rock jumping and taking plenty of opportunities to capsise and cool down. That night they bivouacked under the stars and even got a brief glimpse of the International Space Station as it whizzed past. Excellent weather all week with temperatures up to 38°C, were countered by quick dips, plenty of splashing and copious volumes of sun cream.
Day three was more relaxed, with cadets exploring the local town and practising their French. This was followed by a tour of the caverns of the Grotte de la Madeline with spectacular stalagmites and stalactites, and pleasant relief from the heat above. The following day, skills were tested on a challenging high ropes course and several lengthy zipwires across the river made an exhilarating reward. Evenings were spent tucking into tasty meals provided by the camp staff, a quiz night, karaoke, and some highly competitive inter-year football.
All too soon it was the last day, which was spent solving command tasks and enjoying archery tag competitions. It was a weary but contented contingent that clambered back on the bus for the journey home.