On Tuesday 5 March, the Middle School Drama club performed Underdogs to a packed audience at the Barn Theatre, Welwyn Garden City. Written by Ms Hanneghan-Birt, the play follows enthusiastic student Matty Johnston (Freddie) on his journey to a prestigious Maths competition with an underdog team of fellow students. Along the way, unlikely friendships form and the team learn that there’s more to life than winning.
Our Middle School Drama entry won 3rd place in the Junior section taking home the Louis Davis cup and medals for stand-out acting performances were awarded to Alex and Freddie. The group were also nominated for the Ball England cup for technical excellence for crisp cueing and strong costuming as well as the Adjudicator’s Award for an excellent script.
Ms L Hannegan-BirtHead of Drama
Even though I do not study Drama as a subject at school, I have always enjoyed acting and therefore jumped at the opportunity to join the Middle School Drama Club in this experience. I not only enjoyed the practical aspect of the club, but the social aspect of interacting with and meeting new people. Playing a character whose lack of speech played a role in the plot was interesting as I had to rely on my expressions and body language for most of the play.
Witty one-liners, incredibly-sung ballads and a cameo from our Headmaster... Harry's (U6) play Troy Story was a comedic and musical delight. Updated into the modern-day, and set in St Albans School Sixth Form, the story is very simple: the rugby lad Menelaus (Emmanuel) and golf-playing Paris (Teni) vie for the attention of the popular Helen (Libby).It was wonderful to see so much hard work, talent and enthusiasm come together to produce a truly amazing show - many thanks to all who participated and those who helped make it happen!