The Physics Stretch and Challenge trip provided a unique opportunity for some of the Lower Sixth Form physicists to explore a subject that many of us are passionate about. Our first venue of the trip was a visit to The Moonwalker's Lightroom, a lunar experience narrated by the esteemed actor Tom Hanks. The experience cinematically illustrated the Herculean struggle to put the first men on the moon, and the optimistic outlook for the Artemis mission to take place in late 2025. Next was a short, stopgap trip to UCL, where Mr Fraczek spoke passionately about architecture and the skeleton of Jeremy Bentham who watches over tireless studying in the student centre. Finally, we listened to a Gresham College lecture at Conway Hall by the charismatic Professor Chris Lintott about the nature of a star that was touted as being proof for alien life by the media! Overall, the physics trip was enjoyable, and made even better by Mr Fraczek, Ms Leong and Mr Olivas Ramos who accompanied us.
Alexander - Lower Sixth Form