A talented ensemble of pupils dedicated three months to producing The Last Five Years, directed by Mr Olivas Ramos. This intimate musical follows two characters: Cathy, an aspiring actress, and Jamie, an ambitious writer, both in their early twenties. Sixth Formers Darcey and Matthew skilfully brought these roles to life, and alternated songs to narrate their characters' five-year relationship. Notably, Jamie shares his perspective from start to finish, whilst Cathy's perspective begins at the end.
Under the musical direction of Dr Saunders, the pupils delivered two captivating performances, impressing the audience with their exceptional acting and singing. The show featured live music courtesy of band members Thomas (Third Form), Alex (Fourth Form), Jenny (Lower Sixth Form) and Aidan (Upper Sixth Form) who added a delightful musical layer to this intricate and demanding production.
Mr Ramos extends his gratitude to everyone involved, recognising their unwavering commitment.
Mr O RamosTeacher of Chemistry
It was a privilege to be part of this ambitious musical, which featured a range of varied styles that was very different to the classical music I typically play, and which has broadened my horizons. Seeing the show come to life after months of practice was incredibly rewarding. It was a challenging new level for me, and I have learnt so much from collaborating with exceptionally talented performers who helped me develop my own musical skills. Overall, it was a highly enjoyable and inspiring experience.
Thomas - Third Form