Upper Sixth Form Geography pupils recently travelled to Slapton Ley Field Study Centre in South Devon for a three-day residential trip.
They explored erosional and depositional landforms up close, and investigated how they are shaped by waves and subaerial processes. They also discussed the challenges of sustainably managing such an actively eroding coastline, and considered its bleak future with falling investment in flood and sea defences, rising sea levels, and increased storm activity.
Despite the changeable weather, pupils made the very most of the amazing learning opportunities and enjoyed stone throwing and skimming, ice cream by the beach, a trip to the pub (only soft drinks were consumed!), and spotting local wildlife including grey seals, an adder, and lizards on one of Britain’s most fascinating stretches of coastline.
Mr Longworth would like to thank the pupils for their exemplary attitude and conduct and Mr Orme, Mrs Liston, and Miss Hilton for their help in running the trip.
Mr R LongworthHead of Geography